Repeterende afspraak!
Wil je de gekozen optie voor alle repeterende afspraken doorvoeren of alleen voor deze afspraak?
The 20 guidelines and technical specifications developed in TEHDAS2 will be presented in three separate 30-day public consultation waves, each featuring different documents. The feedback, gathered through surveys, will be analysed to finalise the documents.
Public consultation TEHDAS2
Wave 2: Sep – Oct 2025 (dates to be announced)
Topic: Processes to manage permits or data pseudonymisation
- Guideline for Health Data Access Bodies on fees and penalties for non-compliance regulated to the EHDS regulation
- Guideline for Health Data Access Bodies on minimum categories and limitations on the reuse of health data
- Guideline for data holders on making personal and non-personal electronic health data available for reuse
- Guideline for Health Data Access Bodies on the procedures and formats for data access
- Technical specification for Health Data Access Bodies on data minimisation and de-identification
- Technical specification for Health Data Access Bodies on the implementation of the common IT infrastructure
- Guideline for Health Data Access Bodies on linkage of health datasets
- Guideline for Health Data Access Bodies on obligations towards natural persons
- Guideline for Health Data Access Bodies on data altruism in health